i have no idea how it is now 6:38 p.m. after lunch i lazed around on my bed reading. i started feeling sleepy after that, so i had a snack:
a mocha made with a bit of coffee leftover from this morning, vanilla soymilk, and a T hot chocolate mix... note i hadn't even cleared my lunch dishes...and...
2 dates stuffed with white chocolate wonderful. these are actually the small dates (not the huge medjool ones), but they look huge in the pic!
afterwards i went to visit a friend, who works in a sporting goods store nearby. we chatted for a bit while it wasn't too busy. when i got home i failed miserably at getting any real cleaning done. i vacuumed my kitchen and bathroom and that was it. i think my 5 mile run actually tired me out more than i thought it did.
i started getting hungry at around 5:30. and for some reason i thought about having eggs! i almost NEVER have eggs-- not because i don't like them, but because i don't really think of them, and i'm not all that good at making them. so after a bit of internet research on eggs and the art of omelet making, i decided on a stovetop + broiler omelet method.
i opened my fridget to discover that my jarred salsa didn't look all that good (i can never go through those), and i didn't have any fresh herbs... but i did have arugula! so i made an
arugula salsa/pico de gallo with tomatoes, red onion, chopped arugula, lemon juice, mustard, white wine vinegar, olive oil, and s&p.
then i had to decide on my
omelet filling. though the actual egg preparation initimated me a bit, this part definitely did not. so many things would work well as a filling. i decided on a veggie version, and sauteed up some onions in a bit of olive oil with some diced orange bell pepper, and then added some arugula at the end to wilt the leaves. voila:

and of course, i needed
cheese. and it just so happened that i had an unopened package of whole foods' goat cheese (love the stuff, it is like $2.99 and is dated a few months in advance so you can buy it for some unknown time in the future).
i would have taken more pics of my process, but if i had i think i would have messed up. i'm very pleased with my first ever omelet result:
topped with the arugula salsa, and served alongside buttered toast
the goat cheese rocked!